Tuesday, November 30, 2010

O Christmas Tree

A few days ago I posted about my borrowed Christmas tree. Next year I hope to have a tree of my own (and then Jeff can have his back!) I am already thinking about what kind of tree I want to do.

I'll admit it. I like theme trees. My mom's tree doesn't have a theme per se, unless that theme is GORGEOUS. She has an incredible collection of traditional European style glass blown ornaments. Each one is stunning, but when you put them all together on one tree... yeah, it's pretty much the prettiest tree ever. To add garlands and whatnots - really anything other than lights - would cheapen the look. I have always loved her tree. But her tree comes from years and years of collecting the ornaments. Her mother purchased a lot of them, I know, plus when Grandma relocated her Christmas party to Heaven (because you KNOW that exactly how she would want to spend eternity, celebrating Christmas with the birthday boy Himself), Mom did inherit some of her ornaments too. ANYWAY, this is Mom's thing. I want to start creating MY tree. And not go bankrupt.

Initially I considered a woodland theme. I read a heckuva lot of craft blogs. I am big into natural fibers and organic colors this year. I am using wood grain contact paper in some of my gift wrapping for instance. I love woodland creatures like gnomes and squirrels and birds. Felt is my favorite craft supply. I could make little ornaments like these:

But is that really ME?

The answer is no.

Then I saw this tree:It has antlers and old lanterns and book garlands and all sorts of things that don't necessarily belong on a tree. They call it "junky," but in actuality it reminds me of my favorite art movement - Fluxus. With my massive quantity of trips to the thrift store, in the next year, I SHOULD be able to collect a variety of awesome items to put on my 2011 Christmas tree. So here is the plan: I will purchase ONE plastic tub. (I can allow myself one tub for decorations, for crying out loud.) Throughout the year, I will be on the lookout for strange and random things. Some will be hung on the tree as is, while others can go inside of those clear glass ornaments, which I plan to buy on sale post-Christmas, like a mini terrarium.
When I buy each item, into the tub they will go. And so next year I will be prepared to create a truly unique tree.

I am pumped.

A Special Day

Today marks two important events.

First and foremost, it is Alana's birthday! When Jeff posted his eHarmony profile, he should have included that dating him comes with the super awesome bonus prize of meeting someone who would treat me like a sister and like a friend. She has been so generous and caring. She is ridiculously delightful. Practically perfect, the constant Mary Poppins in my life - I am so very lucky to have her. And quite frankly, I hope her birthday rocks!

And secondly, today marks ten months with Jeff.

He has been my shoulder to lean on...
cute baby animals-Acting Like Animals: Yes, Yes It Is

My hand to hold...

And I can't wait to spend our first Christmas together. I love you, Jeff!

Monday, November 29, 2010

I Can't Bear It


I have SO many cool crafts that I would LOVE to post. Alas I cannot because this would spoil all of my Christmas surprises.

In other news, though, Jeff decorated his tree tonight! This tree is currently located at my house. I am technically just borrowing it from him for now. I know you can't tell from the crappy cell phone picture, but other than its general razorback color scheme of red and white, it also has an inordinate amount of bear ornaments. I had been wanting to make ornaments for the tree, but didn't have time to make many with my long queue of Christmas crafts already growing impatient. And decorating a whole tree would be too overwhelming. But now that there are many ornaments, I can add a couple and feel good about it. I want to add more bear ornaments, of course, to stick with Jeff's "special" theme. The man loves bears. They are more practical for tree decoration than a Tom Petty theme, although I DID catch Jeff looking up telecasters on eBay on my laptop earlier tonight... ANYWAY, I am loving the randomness of the bears. Some are made from weird materials. Others have the bears doing strange things. I want to make more that fit either of those categories. Totally open to suggestion if anyone has ideas and would like to challenge me with one.
For example...
A bear orthodontist? Sure!
A bear made out of a soda can? Why not!?
A bear nutcracker? Okay!
A bear scuba diver? Uh huh!
A bear with a banana allergy? Um...
A bear who was raised by a family of geese? Oh... well...
A bear that lights up and spins around while playing "I've Been Workin' On The Railroad"? No.

The heat is broken here. It's 53 degrees in the house. Gonna try to cuddle up with myself and shiver to sleep, dreaming of bears with odd occupations and my favorite boyfriend bear.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

How Cool Are THESE?!

It's time for one of my favorite little games, one I like to call "How cool are these?!" where I show you cool things, and you soak in their coolness.

How cool are these?!

How cool are these?! (Sorry the picture is all rights reserved but SCREAMS Jen if you ask me. Wish I could find some affordable Wellies to make a pair for her!)

How cool are these?!

How cool, or should I say ANNOYING are these?! I had an inkling, but didn't realize it was that extreme.

How cool is this?!
Thanks, Cana!

How cool are these?! I love novelty music. Period. I need to start writing again. But it never ceases to amaze me how often new people discover my YouTube and leave interesting comments on my songs.

How cool is this?! I definitely want to check it out.

How cool are these?! You can pick from 30 different owl images and print your own pretty calendar!