Thursday, January 13, 2011

Love comes in many forms...

Two romantic events on the horizon...

Up next is my one year anniversary with Jeff. Big deal for me. Not sure what he's planning. He already knows what I am getting him.

But I DO know what I am getting from Jeff for Valentine's Day! I asked for the same thing I got last year, only mere two weeks into the relationship. I received a song, written and performed by him, AND a homemade PIE!!!! Good move, White.

I'm going to bed hungry tonight, and I can't stop thinking about that pie.

Pies ARE the new cupcake, afterall.


1 comment:

  1. Cute! I love hearing about 'new' relationships. I hope you guys have an awesome day (and you document it and post about it here!)
    Thanks again sooo much for your gorgeous garland. It is really beautiful.
